These important planning documents are the product of countless citizens’ efforts and organizations’ hard work. Valuable input and survey responses allowed for a thorough consideration of the future land use in Keokuk and future projects and development to be undertaken by the city. Please contact 319-524-2050 with any questions.
Help Support the Dog Park by buying an engraved brick through the Keokuk Parks Foundation! The bricks support the construction of Dog Park and can be personalized in memory of a loved one or family pet. The Donor Form is available at the link below.
Please follow the following link to view/download the Audit – City of Keokuk Audit for Fiscal Year 2019
The newly expanded City of Christmas light display opens at Rand Park on Thanksgiving and runs until Christmas! Make sure to see the new displays, but save some time to grab coffee, a few gifts and great meal downtown! Directions and other information is available at the following website:
Just find your ward on the attached map and match it to the polling locations listed below by ward.
Locations are open 7am until 8pm
Keokuk Ward 1 – South Lee County Courthouse, 25 N. 7th St.
Keokuk Ward 2 – Heritage Center, 508 Main St.
Keokuk Ward 3 – Keokuk Art Center, 210 N. Fifth St.
Keokuk Ward 4 – Evangelical Free Church, 2315 S. 7th St.
Keokuk Ward 5 – Learning Center, 500 N. 20th St.
Keokuk Ward 6 – First Christian Church, 3476 Main St.
Keokuk Ward 7 – Keokuk Nazarene Church, 3119 Plank Road.
It is the intention that citizens be allowed to enjoy the use of novelty and consumer fireworks. It is in the best interest of public safety that these restrictions are included to prevent or limit injuries and/or fire(s) caused by fireworks and their use in and around individuals, large gatherings or events, structures and the environment.
(1) June 28 thru July 4, between the hours of nine a.m. until ten p.m., except on July 4, on which date the hours are extended from nine a.m. until eleven p.m.
(2) December 31 thru January 1, between the hours of 9 a.m. on December 31st and ending at 12:30 a.m. on January 1st.
Click the link below to download the document and please do not hesitate to call City Hall with any questions at 319-524-2050.
Two exciting announcements from the Keokuk Library! You can see their new website at and a their new community calendar at! The new calendar will provide a single point of information for many of the events offered every week to the public in Keokuk. You can see a list of these events on the front page of this website. Any organization or person seeking to utilize this event list or to add events can contact Emily at the library for more information.